Making the invisible, visible

World’s Smallest EMF Meter

Identify harmful non-native EMFs and 5G microwave radiation in your environment

What are EMFs?

EMFs are Electro Magnetic Fields and/or Frequencies. Typically, magnetic and electric forces are referred to as fields, while Radio Frequencies (RFs) and microwaves are often talked about as frequencies. Nature provides us with beneficial EMFs, like the earth’s Schumann resonances (extremely low EMFs) and infrared and red frequencies of a sunrise, that our bodies require for optimal health.

 However, power lines, cell towers, modern wireless devices, and anything man-made that uses electricity produces electromagnetic fields (EMFs) that are not native to this earth. These artificial EMFs are technically referred to as ‘non-native EMFs’ or ‘nnEMFs for short.’ Artificial forms of EMFs typically have alternating fields or pulsed radiation that can disrupt many processes that maintain optimal health such as, lowering sleep quality, altering the gut biome, and damaging our DNA directly. This ultimately leads to disease and accelerated aging. The negative impacts of artificially generated EMFs are based on exposure times, intensities, and frequency of exposures.


Steve Jobs didn’t let his children use iPhones or iPads.


The CEO of Ericsson did not allow his teenage son to use a cell phone.


Bill Gates didn’t allow his children to have cell phones until the age of fourteen.


Former Nokia boss warns public of the danger associated with using a cell phone.

Over 3,000 Studies on The Harmful Effects of nnEMFs

Over 244 scientists from more than 41 countries have expressed their “serious concerns” regarding the ubiquitous and increasing exposure to EMF generated by electric and wireless devices. EMF Scientist Appeal

There is an emerging link between harmful EMFs and the alarming rise in the incidence of autism.’

— Dr Martha Herbert

If you are exposed enough to EMR you will get brain cancer and die from it’

—Dr Charlie Teo,


“One of the most serious environmental pollutants affecting the health of human populations and resulting in chronic illness is electrosmog”

— Dr. Magda Havas

declared cell phone and other wireless radiation Class 2b “Possible Human Carcinogen” Some experts fell it should be Class 1 “Probable Human Carcinogen” 2013 International Journal of Oncology‘

International Agency for Research on Cancer of the WHO, 2011: declare

“Studies also show that all frequencies of EMFs can react with and damage DNA, leading either to cell death or remaining as a mutation”

— Professor Henry Lai and

Dr Narendra Sign

A review of several scientific studies in 2011 concluded that men who used mobile phones experienced ‘decreased sperm concentration, motility, abnormal morphology and viability’, and similar results were found in laboratory tests.

La Vignera Et Al (2011)

I have no doubt in my mind that at the present time, the greatest polluting element in the earth’s environment is the proliferation of electromagnetic fields. I consider that to be far greater on a global scale than warming, and the increase in chemical elements in the environment.’

—Dr Robert O Becker,

author of Cross Currents and The Body Electric

’… the 20th century epidemic of the so-called diseases of civilization including cardiovascular disease, cancer and diabetes and suicide was caused by electrification not by lifestyle.

— Dr Sam Milham Dirty Electricity:

Electrification and the Diseases of Civilization, 2010

What Makes The Mito EMF Meter so Good?

EMF 3-in-1 screening meters of this size allow you to discreetly check for the most important EMF’s which are low-frequency electric fields, low-frequency magnetic fields and microwave radiation.

Our EMF environment is saturated with low-frequency electromagnetic fields from the powergrid, electrical infrastructure, electronics, with microwaves from cell towers, smart meters, Wi-Fi, 5G and Internet of Things (IoT) saturating the higher end of our electromagnetic spectrum. The only way to tell if your home, office, or child’s classroom is contaminated with these exponentially increasing threats, is to test the environment.

With many places now banning EMF meters on site because of legal repercussions, the micro sized Mito Meter with its onboard recording functions makes it the ideal tool for discrete screening.

There are many EMF meters on the market ranging from $200 to $40,000+. We wanted to find an affordable solution that was compact, durable, fast, precise for low sensitivity screening and tested all major low and high frequencies including 5G microwaves. More importantly we needed a meter that was easy to use and interpret. The Mito Meter does all of that and lots more.

Each Mito Meter also goes through an independent eleven-point testing and calibration process before dispatch for constancy and screening accuracy.

  • Locate spy cameras and use as a wireless bug finder
  • Detect your microwave over leakage
  • Use with or without the sound alarm
  • Very easy to use and to interpret
  • Designed for both beginners and advanced users with a wide set of applications
  • USB connection for a data downloading constant power supply. Possible to save the data to excel for in-depth analysis and interpretation
  • Incredibly accurate and precise for its size
  • Commitment to improving software via easy to upload software upgrades
  • Small, compact handheld design
  • Monitor wireless LAN (Wi-Fi) installations
  • Fits in your hand so you can test inconspicuously
  • Capture transmission behavior of smart meters
  • Measure low frequency magnetic fields from wiring, electrical devices and household appliances
  • Measure low frequency electric fields from power lines, fuse boxes and home appliances
  • Capture data with location (on supported Android devices) later to place on Google Earth
  • Measure radio frequencies and microwaves from cell towers, smart meters, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and other various wireless/cordless transmitters

Mito Meter Features

  • Measure 5G microwave digital radiation
  • Detect your microwave over leakage
  • Use with or without the sound alarm
  • Very easy to use and to interpret
  • Designed for both beginners and advanced users with a wide set of applications
  • USB connection for a data downloading constant power supply. Possible to save the data to excel for in-depth analysis and interpretation
  • Incredibly accurate and precise for its size
  • Commitment to improving software via easy to upload software upgrades
  • Small, compact handheld design
  • Monitor wireless LAN (Wi-Fi) installations
  • Fits in your hand so you can test inconspicuously
  • Capture transmission behavior of smart meters
  • Measure low frequency magnetic fields from wiring, electrical devices and household appliances
  • Measure low frequency electric fields from power lines, fuse boxes and home appliances
  • Capture data with location (on supported Android devices) later to place on Google Earth
  • Measure radio frequencies and microwaves from cell towers, smart meters, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and other various wireless/cordless transmitters


Where will I find nnEMFs?

The most common sources are cell phone towers, powerlines, smartphones, smart meters, printers, Wi-Fi routers, computers, baby monitors, DECK phones, televisions, induction cooktops, and cabling/electrical wiring. Modern cars & motorbikes are also plagued with high levels of nnEMFs. These artificial EMFs are technically referred to as ‘non-native EMFs’ or ‘nnEMFs’ for short. For more info on where to check for nnEMFs see our EMF Basics pages here.


What are some of the human health effects of nnEMFs?

Headaches, dehydration, mitochondrial dysfunction, difficulty sleeping, heart arrhythmia/palpitations, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), fatigue, depression/anxiety, difficulty concentrating/forgetfulness, infertility, skin rashes (facial redness), vertigo/nausea, reduced immune system function, cardiac, nervous and endocrine system dysregulation

Will the Mito Meter pickup 5g frequencies?

Yes, the Mito Meter can detect 5G low band and mid-band radio frequencies. However the high band 5G mmWaves are outside of the Mito Meter radio frequency range which tops out at approximately 8+ GHz. (5G High Band is 24 GHz and above)

Low and mid-band 5G and even 6G signals will always remain by far the most problematic in homes.

Generally speaking, if you have low levels of low & mid band 4/5 frequencies, (In the low greens on the Mito Meter, ideally less than three green LED lights) you won’t have high-band issues as the 5G cell tower/cell masts high bands can only function where there are strong low & mid band frequencies, as the smaller mmWaves don’t travel as far and have issues penetrating rain, walls, floors, rooms, trees etc.

Will the Mito Meter pickup 5g frequencies?

Yes, the Mito Meter can detect 5G low band and mid-band radio frequencies. However the high band 5G mmWaves are outside of the Mito Meter radio frequency range which tops out at approximately 8+ GHz. (5G High Band is 24 GHz and above)

Low and mid-band 5G and even 6G signals will always remain by far the most problematic in homes.

Generally speaking, if you have low levels of low & mid band 4/5 frequencies, (In the low greens on the Mito Meter, ideally less than three green LED lights) you won’t have high-band issues as the 5G cell tower/cell masts high bands can only function where there are strong low & mid band frequencies, as the smaller mmWaves don’t travel as far and have issues penetrating rain, walls, floors, rooms, trees etc.

How do you measure 5G mmWaves?

Detecting mmWaves is one thing, taking accurate measurements is another.

Ultra-fast real-time RF spectrum analysers and antennas are required to quantify power levels and total accumulated exposure times of mmWaves. These high-end packages cost upwards of 200k if you want to capture and measure the power density up to 90GHz.

It is much more cost-effective to measure the lower microwave 5G tiers and avoid spending extended time in these areas, especially for sensitive people.

Be aware of basic mmWave EMF detectors, they will detect mmWaves, but only at levels above 100 > uW/m2. Those levels are ok for an alarm function, but not for finding low-radiation environments.

What can I do to limit my nnEMF exposure?

 1.  Buy or Hire a Mito Meter and screen your nnEMF in your home and work environments or hire a professional to test and advise you on mitigation strategies. Note it is important to always start in the bedroom and work back from there. Follow the EMF Basic’s page which can be found here

(Team Mito offers free online measurement and mitigation support.)


2.  Never give a wireless device (iPhone, tablet etc.) to a child under 13. If you must give your child a device, make sure it is in airplane mode and all radios on that device are disabled. (See 7. Below) Microwave penetration into the brain of a child is deeper and greater. Microwaves are also more dangerous to a child’s developing brain and nervous system. 


3.  Block IR sensors on smartphones/tablets with front-facing cameras – These sensors when used away from natural sunlight fire directly into your eyes which can cause headaches, dizziness, eye fatigue and even seizures from the serve light flickering/pulsed light. We recommend neatly covering the very small sensor located next to the front camera of the phone/tablet with black tape. Any light flicker meter will detect the IR sensor, including infrared cameras. If you look closely you will see the round sensor behind the glass under direct sunlight.


4.  Replace your wireless devices with wired equivalents where you can – This includes replacing cordless DECT phones with VOIP shielded and grounded ethernet solutions, turning off Wi-Fi routers, (at the very least, turning down the Wi-Fi power output to low power and reducing the beacon rate to one pulse per second from 10, and/or turning off at night), use an Ethernet cable rather than Wi-Fi for computers, smart TV’s, baby monitors, gaming consoles and opting out of having a wireless smart electricity meter installed. 

 Important note, when going hardwired for devices that you hold or have body contact with, like laptops, tablets, and phones, you need to be aware of the E-field levels. (A/C electric fields & EMI) These fields can be monitored by the Mito Meter’s LFE Mode. Also, use correctly grounded Cat6/7 cable solutions for devices or computers that only have two-prong power plugs. 


5.  Use your smart devices safely – keep devices on “Airplane” mode most of the time and avoid carrying a smart device/cell phone on your body, like in your pocket or bra, as later model smartphones output high levels of magnetic fields, even when sitting ideal in flight mode with all radios off. 


6.  Never put a cell phone to your head – Use speakerphone or an EMF-friendly hardwired alternative. Do not use the phone while in a car – radiation levels are increased. If you must use a cell phone, do so primarily for text messages and emergencies. Save high data activities and voice calls for an EMF-friendly wired internet connection at home or in the office.


7.  Pre-download your Content – movies, music, social media, emails and offline maps can all be downloaded and retrieved on your portable devices storage so you can access offline.


8.  If you still use a microwave oven, consider replacing it with a steam convection oven, which will heat your food as quickly and far more safely. Note induction cooktops generate very high magnetic fields and catch a lot of pregnant mums out. induction cooktops should be replaced with gas. Note that if you are going to use induction cooktops, use oversized pots and pans which greatly reduce the magnetic fields, and step back a foot from the cooktop when standing in front of it.


9.  Don’t buy any smart appliances that can’t be hardwired – Most new appliances now come with microwave RF chips which can’t be turned off. If the appliance has the option to connect to your internet via an ethernet cable, then that is the better option. Also, make sure no bedrooms back onto the laundry or kitchen wall where the main appliances are located.


10.  Create a sleep sanctuary – Keep cell phones, iPads and other electronics out of your bedroom. Turn off the electrical circuit breaker to your bedroom, including the light circuit in that room. An electrician may need to assist you in relocating/re-routing circuits. Use a simple battery-powered alarm clock and amber/red flicker-free LED light by your bedside table. 


11.  Distance is your friend – Avoiding nnEMFs today is near impossible, so distance is your friend. Push your computer monitor back a foot, raise your laptop off your lap by at least half a foot, move power boards well away from your desk or where you spend time, use hands-free on wireless calls, and don’t let children sit close to TVs or monitors. The hardest EMFs to avoid are cell towers/small cells and magnetic fields from the powergrid, as a lot more distance is required which isn’t always possible in city environments. 


12.  RF Car shielding  If you spend extended time driving in high microwave density areas, RF window tinting/shielding can make your drive more comfortable and greatly reduce driver fatigue. Make sure to also shield the front and rear windscreens and make sure there are no gaps in the installation. Note, you will not be able to use phones in the car with the windows up. For GPS connectivity you can allow a small upwards cut-away section in the RF film where your GPS phone/GPS will sit. 

(Above the rear vision mirror is a idea spot.)

Why not just buy crystals or organite?

We recommend first reducing your nnEMF background levels. Then, and only then, by all means, start experimenting with other forms or techniques of balancing and harmonising your environment.

Note that environments with elevated levels of electromagnetic or microwave radiation cannot be blocked or mitigated by crystals, rocks, organite or Bio-Geometry. They are simply band aid solutions to a growing problem. In some configurations you can see limited neutralising effects taking place when the materials/device are close to the emitting source or when worn on the body.

In other configurations you may see energetic improvements in individuals by balancing their energy which in return boosts their immune system. Having a strong immune system helps the body deal with both non-native and native EMF stressors.

Some people may have success with these balancing/neutralising methods but long-term exposure to high levels of nnEMF’s will always take its toll.

Product Specifications

  • LFE Mode Electrical Field/E-field Frequency range: 50 Hz -10 KHz - 2v/m to 1000 v/m. (Estimated Body Potential Reading.)
  • RF-X6 Mode, Records 6 Minute RF Event. Displays Average Peak Radiation, Highest peak Radiation & Estimate Total Accumulated Peak Radiation. (Via Meter or PC Software.)
  • Monitoring & Data logging Retrieval Software Compatible with Windows, macOS, & Android. GPS Mapping via Google Maps with Android GPS enabled device/phone
  • Weight 1.7 Ounces or 50 Grams, 69mm X 110mm. Bright 9 LED Display. Sound alarm. Rechargeable LiPo Battery. (Up to 48 hours run time LFM-X Mode & 8 hours standard modes.) USB Charging & Power Assist. CE and RoHS Certified.
  • RF Mode Effective Frequency Range: 100 MHz to 8 GHz. Power Range: -60 to +5 dBm, -/+6 dB. (0.0005 to 100 mW/m2 / 0.5 to 100,000 uW/m2) Sampling Rate: Fast 20,000/sec. RF-Xs Mode Sound Signature Identification.
  • LFM Mode Magnetic Field Frequency range: 50 Hz to 10 kHz. Power Range: 0.01 mG to 50 mG (1 nT to 5000 nT) with 0.01 mG/1nT resolution. Axis: Ultra-Sensitive single LFM-X Mode Built-in 12 Hour 50/60Hz powergrid monitoring
  • RF Mode Detects Analog RF, Digital Pulse/Burst RF (GSM, TDMA, CDMA, LTE, DECK, ZigBee, Bluetooth, UWB, Wi-Fi, WiMAX, 3G, 4G, 5G, IoT Microwave Radiation.)
  • LFE Mode Electrical Field/E-field Frequency range: 50 Hz -10 KHz - 2v/m to 1000 v/m. (Estimated Body Potential Reading.)
  • RF-X6 Mode, Records 6 Minute RF Event. Displays Average Peak Radiation, Highest peak Radiation & Estimate Total Accumulated Peak Radiation. (Via Meter or PC Software.)
  • Monitoring & Data logging Retrieval Software Compatible with Windows, macOS, & Android. GPS Mapping via Google Maps with Android GPS enabled device/phone
  • Weight 1.7 Ounces or 50 Grams, 69mm X 110mm. Bright 9 LED Display. Sound alarm. Rechargeable LiPo Battery. (Up to 48 hours run time LFM-X Mode & 8 hours standard modes.) USB Charging & Power Assist. CE and RoHS Certified.
  • RF Mode Effective Frequency Range: 100 MHz to 8 GHz. Power Range: -60 to +5 dBm, -/+6 dB. (0.0005 to 100 mW/m2 / 0.5 to 100,000 uW/m2) Sampling Rate: Fast 20,000/sec. RF-Xs Mode Sound Signature Identification.
  • LFM Mode Magnetic Field Frequency range: 50 Hz to 10 kHz. Power Range: 0.01 mG to 50 mG (1 nT to 5000 nT) with 0.01 mG/1nT resolution. Axis: Ultra-Sensitive single LFM-X Mode Built-in 12 Hour 50/60Hz powergrid monitoring
  • RF Mode Detects Analog RF, Digital Pulse/Burst RF (GSM, TDMA, CDMA, LTE, DECK, ZigBee, Bluetooth, UWB, Wi-Fi, WiMAX, 3G, 4G, 5G, IoT Microwave Radiation.)

Order Now

Electro Magnetic Field Meter

Mito – EMF Meter – Custom 1.1.77aa(x) Firmware for Better Accuracy – Best Sensitivity & Speed in Class – Free Postage – Free Professional Tech Internet/Phone Support (Optional, PC/Mac/Android Monitoring/GPS Software & Smart USB Connect Cable $50)

AUD $289.00

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